Frequently Asked Questions

Does having insurance or a Medicare provider disqualify me from participating in the program?

Having insurance or a Medicare provider does not exclude you from participating in this program. In fact, your insurance will allow you to obtain the needed testing, labs, and referrals ordered by Beringer Medical Group, as well as specialist visits when needed.

Do I have to terminate my insurance plan to be part of Beringer Medical Group?

No, you can (and should) maintain an insurance program. You don’t have to give up your current insurance provider to be part of this clinic. Although we elect to not accept private insurance and/or Medicare/Medicaid, you can still utilize those providers for any services outside and separate of the care provided by us, such as testing, lab work, outside referrals, and hospital stays.

How will a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account work with this program?

If you maintain a Flexible Spending Account or participate in a Health Savings Account, then our annual fee may be paid with funds accrued. Check with your plan provider for details specific to your situation.

I can’t afford to pay for insurance as well as this annual fee! How can I afford this program since insurance/Medicare doesn’t cover the annual fee?

Although the annual fee may initially seem to be a deterrent to signing up, you should consider how this type of care may actually work out to be less expensive in the long run. By allowing you to see your physician as needed without delay will inevitably save you from medical mistakes made in a hurry. Consider the cost of a medical error, or missed diagnosis on your life. As the saying goes, if you think hiring an expert is expensive, consider hiring an amateur. Additionally, you may be able to downgrade your insurance plans effectively reducing your insurance premiums since your clinic visits will not need to be covered. And, as the clinic expands, we will attempt to provide additional services, such as EKG, X-rays, ultra-sounds and any other specialty testing we can incorporate in time which will be provided as part of the annual fee (i.e. no additional charges) negating the need for outside referrals/travel/appointments and scheduling.

The fact is that this level of medical care can actually save you money in the long run. For more information please click on the American Journal of Managed Care article titled “Personalized Preventive Care Leads to Significant Reductions in Hospital Utilization” which illustrated that concierge medical services saved the average patient $2,551 per year due to decreased hospitalizations and provided in an up to 79% reduction in hospital re-admissions for serious illnesses.

Why are you choosing to opt out of Medicare and other Government and/or Private Third Party Payers?

The easiest way to answer this is to simply state that I feel limited by those programs in what service and care I can provide to my patients. I truly believe that the patient-doctor relationship is suffering under these programs and, moreover, the care I want to provide is being held hostage by a system that rewards quantity over quality. Take the next ten minutes to watch the below video. It will be educational and it just about sums it up perfectly.